Bread Machine Bread - Good
Versus B(re)ad

With the introduction of several small appliances, foods like bread machine bread, have become usual on the table of many housewives. The bread making machine has become one of the key instruments of household routine.

Its introduction has meant for many the opportunity to perform at home a series of recipes with the least expenditure of energy and ingredients, often getting results very similar to those of several bakeries and checking the genuineness of every food.

Certainly make bread by hand is an unique experience and it is always recommended to those who decide to buy a bread machine to try to do it by hand at least once before using the machine.

Man or Machine?

Kneading bread with the warmth of the hands helps the yeast and other ingredients to be active and to make the dough soft and spongy. Also working out in cooking helps to have more and more confidence and experience.

The bread making machine offers several benefits and it's a very good housekeeper: just put the ingredients in the bowl and press a button. Apart from acting as electronic scales, it has an excellent kneading machine that blends everything evenly, avoiding dirt, debris and effort.

Finally selecting the cooking program, it acts as an oven and gives the opportunity to cook in different ways the bread crust and its crumb.

Short Time and Good Result

The bread machine bread is simple, quickly and inexpensively. The result, from the point of view of taste is excellent: the crust is golden and crispy and its crumb soft and full of holes.

Furthermore, it lasts many several days than the purchased one, it can be even more easily frozen (cut into slices) and the whole family like it. In addition, varying ingredients and cooking times, it can get different baked goods, including soft sandwiches, pastries and cakes.

But as all foods made with the help of an appliance, even this type of bread has negative points. As for the dosage, it must be precise and leave little to the imagination in order not to have an unleavened dough.

From the point of view of the oven, the cooking is not always homogeneous, because the sides of bread making machine are differently heated from the lid, does not heat up and also contains a compartment glass which is completely cold to control the cooking (so the part near the glass is less baked and colored than the rest).

The bread can not be done with other shapes except that provided by the basket, similar to that of bread loaves, and often the cooking times widen or shorten compared to those reported in the manual, leaving the bread fully baked outside and raw inside or without a crispy crust. The same goes for sweets or cakes made of bread, which are even more complex than the bread machine recipe, having more ingredients to add.

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